House Majority Forward Launches Two New Spanish and English TV Ads in CA-22
August 13, 2024
Washington, D.C. – House Majority Forward is launching new television ads in Spanish and English in CA-22 calling on Rep. David Valadao to start looking out for hardworking families.
The ad comes after House Majority Forward last month announced over $17 million in television and digital reservations for July and August.
‘Ten Years’ Transcript:
“A lot can happen in ten years.
“But here in the Valley, what has ten years of David Valadao’s votes in Congress gotten us?
“Unaffordable rent.
“Sky-high housing costs.
“And buying a house? Forget about it.
“Valadao voted against building more houses we can afford and against rental assistance for struggling Valley families.
“While we work hard to provide for our families, David Valadao turns his back on us.
“Tell David Valadao to finally start looking out for us.
‘Decade’ Transcript:
“David Valadao lleva diez años en el congreso.
“Diez años de altos costos para las familias del Valle.
“Mientras las familias luchan dia por dia.
“Valadao votó en contra de un plan para construir más hogares asequibles, y aun peor, voto para subir los costos de vivienda.
“Ha pasado demasiado tiempo sin resultados.
“Dile a David Valadao que apruebe el proyecto de ley H.R. 7132 – Housing Supply and Affordability Act es hora de actúe en beneficio de nuestras familias.”