House Majority Forward Launches New TV Ad In NC-01

May 14, 2024

Washington, D.C. – House Majority Forward is launching a new television ad in North Carolina calling on Rep. Don Davis to build on his proven record of expanding internet service and bringing back investments in local infrastructure by continuing to fight for Eastern North Carolina’s local economy.


Like Me’ Transcript:

“I grew up on a family farm. Like me, Don Davis was born and raised in Eastern North Carolina.

“Born and raised right here.

“Don Davis is a veteran like us and he knows how to get things done.

“That’s why he supports expanding internet service. So our farms and businesses can prosper.

“Don Davis grew up working in tobacco fields just like I did.

“That’s why he’s ensuring we make investments in roads and bridges. That’s what we need to get things to the market.

“Let’s make sure we tell Don Davis to keep up the fight for our local economy.”
